Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Founded in 1995 by Mr. Li Jinyuan in Tianjin, China TIENS Group Co., Ltd. ("TIENS Group") entered the international market in 1998, was successfully listed on NASDAQ in September 2003, and formally entered into the AMEX in April 2005. Presently TIENS is a multinational group specializing in retail, tours, finance, international trade and E-business, as well as integrating industry capital, business capital and finance capital. With the business covering over 190 countries and regions, TIENS has subsidiaries or branches in 105 countries and regions, and has established strategic alliances with world-class enterprises from over 20 countries. TIENS Group developed nutrition, health care, cosmetics and commodities to bring a high-quality lifestyle to 12 million consumers worldwide to keep them healthy, happy, beautiful and prosperous.

Contributing to Society through Harvesting as its charitable philosophy, TIENS Group believes in corporate social responsibility, and has donated a total of RMB 900 million to public welfare and social charities by 2006.

The successful management of an educated, localized, and institutionalized workforce contributes to a strategic goal of TIENS International. TIENS has an unbeatable international team in research, innovation and etiquette, including over 5,000 executives and more than35% of employees above master degree.

Presently TIENS is marching into Global Top 500 with big strides, based on the advanced Six-Network Interaction Theory, New Swap and Alternative Theory and New Supermarket Theory and an outstanding management system.

Slogan : Be the vanguard of global direct selling industry.
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Tak lelah dan tak bosan pada diri kami untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada saudara-saudara seluruh insan Sinergi yang kami cintai. Berbagai kabar baik melalui inovasi-inovasi baru demi kepuasan kita bersama adalah komitmen kami sejak awal. Oleh sebab itu kami selalu berusaha dengan konsep Sinergi Inovasi Tiada Henti.

Dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama kami ingin menghadirkan hasil-hasil inovasi terbaru berupa produk-produk yang Fast Acting Scientific Technology dimana akan ternyata lebih dahsyat dan lebih cepat proses pemulihannya. Tunggu saja tanggal mainnya !!!

Apabila anda sekarang telah memiliki PT.SINERGI PLASINDO DINAMIKA sebagai suatu peluang guna mewujudkan cita-cita impian anda dan keluarga anda, maka yang perlu anda lakukan kini adalah tetap rutin mengkonsumsi produk Sinergi, meluangkan waktu untuk mempelajari hal-hal/produk baru dan meng-investasikan waktu untuk menjalankan bisnis Sinergi.Kesempatan untuk berkembang masih terbuka luas di Sinergi. Anda masih bisa memilih untuk membuka daerah-daerah baru yang tersebar luas diseluruh Indonesia, dan jangan lupa kita juga harus tetap menjaga dengan baik apa yang telah kita bangun. Kita harus memilih untuk tetap bertumbuh seperti pohon yang rindang meskipun diterpa badai cuaca tetapi tetap berdiri tegar. Tentu saja kita harus terus memperhatikan, memupuk akar-akar (downline) kita secara mendalam maupun melebar agar kuat menyangga pohonnya dari goncangan badai.

Kami kira cukup dulu sampai disini, tetaplah tegar, biarlah semangatmu tetap menyala-nyala.(Robby Arif) - Managing Director


Oriflame is a cosmetics company that sells high-quality natural skincare and cosmetic products through an independent sales force, outside the traditional retail environment. Direct sales allows customers to get advice and inspiration from people they know and trust. Buying direct is reliable and convenient.

Being an Oriflame Sales Consultant means unlimited income and career opportunities, personal development and a sense of belonging to a friendly global community.

Oriflame is a company characterized by a can-do spirit, a decentralized management and a young and entrepreneurial atmosphere.

Oriflame Cosmetics is today one of the world's fastest-growing cosmetics companies. Oriflame is present in 58 countries and is one of the market leaders in over 30 countries. A sales force of 1.7 million independent Sales Consultants market a complete range of high quality skincare, fragrances and cosmetics.

Although the company has grown rapidly it never lost sight of its original business concept - Natural Swedish Cosmetics from friend to friend.

Oriflame has:

- 765 million Euros in annual sales

- 1.7 million Sales Consultants

- 5,500 employees

- 600 cosmetic products

- more than 78 million catalogues in 35 languages

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Forever Living Products

Do you want to lose those few extra pounds?
Would you like your pants to fit a little bit better?
Are you ready to take charge of your health and feel better?
If the answer is "YES" to any of these questions, then Forever Living Products has created a weight loss program that could work for you.
Clean 9 is a nine-day program that is designed to cleanse your body of harmful preservatives and other chemicals, as well as start to burn your excess fat.
Lifestyle 30 is the second step in the program. It is a 30-day program that teaches how to eat properly, exercise, increase your metabolism and live a healthier lifestyle.


Since 1989, Lifestyles has enriched thousands of lives in over 30 countries around the world. We create quality wellness products that help people feel better, live better, and work better. We also offer the tools and knowledge to help people build successful home-based businesses.
Lifestyles is one of the leading health and nutrition companies in the world, and the largest one headquartered in Canada. We’re a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), and have over 17 years of success behind us. When you become a Lifestyles Distributor, you are part of a company that is:
- Rated one of the best network marketing companies, with thousands of successful Distributors and satisfied Customers
- Determined to help you succeed with a proven training system and all the tools you need to operate a profitable business
- Dedicated to offering breakthrough wellness products that are effective, safe and competitively priced
Ready to help you start making money right away, even if you’ve never been in business before
The Lifestyles Opportunity is designed to help you achieve greater wealth, better health, and more personal satisfaction than ever.


KOMPAK adalah salah satu perusahaan network marketing dengan bendera PT. Kompak Indopola, merupakan salah satu perusahaan nasional di bawah naungan KOMPAK GROUP, sebuah holding company yang memiliki lebih dari 20 anak perusahaan, bergerak di bidang manufaktur, periklanan, farmasi, pariwisata, pertambangan, dan lain-lain.

Sejak didirikan pada bulan Januari 1988, KOMPAK telah berkembang sedemikian pesat dan telah berhasil menggandeng ratusan ribu mitra usaha di seluruh Indonesia.

Keberhasilan KOMPAK dalam mengembangkan usahanya tidak terlepas dari adanya kualitas produk yang memenuhi standar internasional, serta business system yang unik dan handal. Khusus untuk produk, KOMPAK hanya memasarkan produk yang berkualitas, baik itu produksi dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

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KK Indonesia

KK Indonesia didirikan pada bulan Januari 1999 di Jakarta oleh Mr. Andrew Ho. Kepiawaian beliau dalam meletakkan dasar yang matang dan kokoh serta kemampuan manajemen beliau, menjadikan KK Indonesia tumbuh dengan pesat dan menjadi salah satu MLM yang diperhitungkan di tanah air saat ini. Suatu prestasi yang sangat membanggakan karena saat berdiri kondisi negara kita justru tengah dilanda krisis moneter, dimana ratusan perusahaan mengalami bangkrut - tak terkecuali beberapa industri MLM yang telah berdiri jauh sebelum KK serta banyak investor yang membatalkan investasinya di Indonesia. Tapi disinilah luar biasanya intuisi sang pendiri dalam memandang kekuatan dibalik krisis yang telah melahirkan ratusan ribu pengangguran. Dengan kematangan persiapan faktor-faktor pendukung, KKI hadir menjadi penyejuk dan harapan bagi banyak orang.

Sampai Juni 2005 setidaknya 150.000 orang lebih yang telah bermitra dengan KKI. Lebih dari 3.500 orang diantaranya telah memasuki jajaran leader (SM,RSM,PSM,ESD,DSD dan CSD) dengan penghasilan jutaan bahkan ada yang melebihi Rp. 100 juta per bulan. Mereka berasal dari berbagai latar belakang baik dilihat dari factor usia, ekonomi, pekerjaan dan pendidikan. Ini menandakan siapa saja bisa berhasil dalam bisnis KK sepanjang bersedia mengikuti system yang telah dirancang yaitu suatu system yang telah teruji mudah dijalankan, efisien dan mudah diduplikasikan.


Established in 1998; Today we are among the top-ranked MLM Companies in Indonesia.
As an enterprise dedicated to health and beauty, business ranges widely from food supplements, skin care, cosmetics and healthcare.With a fantastic growth of Distributors number, we are well on the way to becoming the top ranked MLM Company in Indonesia.Our consistent growth in MLM industries has been fueled by our ability to develop quality unique products that meet consumer needs.

Ownership : Privately held by Indonesians

2006-Number of Distributors: more than 110,000 people


Since 1995, ELKEN has been helping millions of people realise their dreams. We have established a network that spans the international arena and we manage our operations professionally in strict accordance with the world-class ISO: 9001 certification.

The extensive ELKEN network represents a mutually beneficial partnership of more than 300,000 enthusiastic independent distributors in 7 countries, with more partners joining us every day. Significantly, the amazing ELKEN marketing plan enables a distributor to accrue wealth and health faster than any other.

Through ELKEN, you will have unlimited opportunities to capture a market as big as the world of more than 1,352 million people. The ELKEN network is truly a proven avenue to the lifestyle you aspire.
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CNI Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd is a Malaysia multilevel marketing company offering a broad spectrum of products such as nutrition and healthcare, food and beverage, homecare and other quality consumer products.

We are a value-driven and customer-centric company listed on the main board of Malaysia’s stock exchange. Our 8-acre headquarters in Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park provides research and development, business support, manufacturing and marketing for products under the CNI brand name.

Formed in 1989, we are today one of the fastest growing multilevel marketing companies in the Asia Pacific region.

Copyright © 2006 CNI Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.

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Amway Indonesia

Amway is a global leader in direct selling, with over three million Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in over 80 countries and territories around the world. No other direct selling company can compare with our longevity, stability, and global reach.
For more than 45 years, Amway Corporation has enabled people to have a business of their own. Originally known for direct selling of our household cleaning products, such as SA8 Laundry Detergent and L.O.C. Liquid Organic Concentrate, our business opportunity is now supported by an excellent portfolio of hundreds of high-quality products and brands that can only be purchased through our IBOs.
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ATM Indonesia

Founded in year 2002, ATM Malaysia is an up-and-coming Network Marketing company committed to reaching out to the people through our quality products.
With our membership already reaching tens of thousands of people, we are striving to bring quality products at an affordable price to the mass market, where it was previously unavailable.
In this short period, ATM Malaysia had successfully pierced into the Singaporean market, with a branch company across the Causeway. This is just a beginning for such a young company, and we are working to achieve even greater heights for the future.
See More :

12 Top Network Marketing in Indonesia

In 2006

- Alliance Teamwork Marketing (ATM Indonesia)

- Amindoway Jaya (Amway Indonesia)

- Citra Nusa Insan Cemerlang (CNI)

- Elken International Indonesia (Elken)

- Immunotec Profarmasia (ImPro)

- Kangsen Kenko Indonesia (KK Indonesia)

- Kompak Indopola (Kompak)

- Lifestyles Indonesia

- Nugra Aloeverindo (Forever Living Products)

- Orindo Alam Ayu (Oriflame)

- Sinergiplasindo Dinamika (Sinergi)

- Singa Langit Jaya (Tianshi)

Save The Best For Last . . . !!! ups, I'm not say Anything . . .


The 1980's saw a major shift as companies began managing the stocking and distribution of products as well as commission payments to their members. This allowed members to focus on selling. Today, most MLM companies act as logistics companies that take orders, ship products and calculate and pay commissions.

With the arrival of the Internet, MLM companies have started to go online. Many established MLM companies began to use the Internet to promote their products. At the same time, many other new MLM companies started their businesses using the Internet, which is generally called online MLM.


In a typical multi-level marketing or network marketing arrangement, individuals associate with a parent company as an independent contractor or franchisee and are compensated based on their sales of products or service, as well as the sales achieved by those they bring into the business. This is like many franchise companies where royalties are paid from the sales of individual franchise operations to the franchisor as well as to an area or region manager.

In a legitimate MLM company, commissions are earned only on sales of the company's products or services. No money may be earned from recruiting alone ("sign-up fees"). One must analyze the compensation plan to determine whether participants are paid from actual sales to customers and not from money received from new recruits. If participants are paid primarily from money received from new recruits, then the company is an illegal pyramid or Ponzi scheme.

Some less legitimate companies produce revenues primarily by attracting new participants with the hope of reward and selling them products or services of dubious value at inflated prices, as opposed to selling products or services consumers would purchase at the given price without regard to the opportunity attached. One must evaluate the products or services and determine if a significant percentage of consumers would continue to purchase them if the participants do not make money from the underlying opportunity. If the products or services have dubious value or if the participants must purchase excessive quantities without reasonable intent to use or resell said items, then the company is likely a thinly veiled illegal pyramid scheme.

Multi-level marketing has a recognized image problem due to the fact that it is often difficult to distinguish legitimate MLMs from illegal scams such as pyramid or Ponzi schemes. MLM businesses operate legitimately in the United States in all 50 states and in more than 100 other countries, and new businesses may use terms like "affiliate marketing" or "home-based business franchising". However, many pyramid schemes try to present themselves as legitimate MLM businesses.



It's me . . .

Sigid Hardiyanto

I Want to Introduce for you about Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing or Direct Selling

I Hope It's Enough to you . . .